Not only did we start out as developers looking for a better way to build our cloud, but we’ve talked with hundreds of customers since then from IT Managers to Cloud Architects. We put together a list of the most annoying pain points in virtualization that we decided to solve with Antsle.1. The “vTax”If you’re […]
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There was that term again: Safe Harbor… I read it in the press a lot in November 2015, when the EU ruled that the US cannot be considered a safe harbor when sending data across the big pond. OK, I thought, so the US is not a safe harbor for data coming from the EU. Then […]
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I can see your face in front of my eyes. “What, Bernie?” you’re yelling at me, “the Internet a modern form of slavery? I’d have expected a few things that you might come up with as the modern form of slavery, but the Internet? It brought us so much freedom!” And you’re right. Indeed, the […]
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