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Windows 11 22H2

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Hi All

I have 4 win 11 VMs running on my antsle. I noticed that all of them are version 21H2 and none of them will update to 22H2. Windows update says they are at the latest level.

Is there a way to get them all to 22H2, has anyone else seen this?


daniel.luck has reacted to this post.

Hi Peter:

Thanks for letting us know about the potential issue.
I'm looking into this in my Home Lab on my antsle's.

Thank you,
antsle Support

Hi Peter:

I wanted to give you an update on this template.

In order to get Windows 11 installed as template and antlet, I needed to modified version of standard Windows 11 ISO that removed the requirements for TPM and Secure Boot.  While this worked at the time, the updates seem to be stuck on 21H2 at this time.

I'm looking into potential workarounds for the issue.

antsle Support

Thanks Daniel

Hi Daniel

Any news?

Hi @kryten

From performing some testing on Windows 11 22H2, I wasn't able to boot the ISO for some reason.
There are some workarounds by upgrading for Windows 10 but I want to either update this existing image or create new one.

I'm currently building and testing Kali 2023 KVM and LXC templates.  Once this is done, I'll look into this again.

antsle Support

Hello @kryten

I have started work on Windows 11 template for 22H2.

The good news is that it's working so far.  I'm installing updates and will test before publishing the new template.

antsle Support

Thanks @daniel-luck

Will this mean i have to rebuild the antlets on the new template to have it get updates?



Hi @kryten

Yes, that would be the true because I'm generating new template for this.

The good news is that I was able to get the updates installed to 22H2.
The not so good news is that I was having an issue with SysPrep (used to create StdGui templates).  There is apparently known issue with SysPrep and 22H2 Update.  An idea that I had was to create separate Win11 template (no StdGui) but I'll need to consult my team first.

If you are curious, here is the article I used to be able to update to 22H2.  Please test this first on non-production antlets.

Upgrade to Windows 11 22H2 on unsupported hardware

Thank you,
antsle Support

Hi @kryten

I released the Win11 - KVM template with 22H2 template tonight.

Can you let us know how it works for you?  I tested on my antsle's.

Thank you,
antsle Support

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