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Terraform Provider Plugin

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I'm learning to use Terraform and it would be great if I could use it to bring up antlets!





will, david and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
willdavidtliddle30Keith Minnig

Thanks for requesting this @chad-r-miller .

Not the first time we have heard it and it is something we are talking about internally. 🙂

tliddle30 has reacted to this post.

I agree.  This would be a great provider to use for my home network.  I've learned to use the API in my pipelines but a provider would be great!

Deleted user has reacted to this post.
Deleted user

Another +1.  Infrastructure as Code is really keeping me in the cloud more than I'd like it to.

Being able to manage hosts with ansible has been great, but we greatly need the ability to provision hosts with terraform. 🙂

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Deleted user

@david Our dev team just started work on the provider plugin this week. We already have a robust API and just need to get it fully on par with Terraform and then build the provider plugin. Hoping to have it done within a few weeks. I'll keep this thread bookmarked and let you all know when it comes.

tliddle30 and Daniel Scott have reacted to this post.
tliddle30Daniel Scott

Hi - Any updates on this ?

@ra It's near completion, quite a bit of work updating a lot of endpoints for Terraform. I'll update this thread once it's ready.

ra has reacted to this post.

If you need a beta tester 🙂 ...

Mike Buckley has reacted to this post.
Mike Buckley

@dd_scott  any update on this?

@tamoanxx We're live with Terraform.  Here are the docs on getting started:

Let me know what you think and if you come across things that could be improved


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