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Local Backups - Antman

Has anyone figured out how to use this successfully?  As it says Local Backup, I have tried mounting a CIFS to no avail.  I tried SSH'ing into several of my NAS options and ended up with Key errors preventing it.  Any suggestions, thoughts, ideas?

Antman GUI

I tried username@IP -pw, username@IP, etc...etc when using SSH.

Hi @alkalinecandy,

The local backups setup assume you have shared SSH keys (i.e. using `ssh-copy-id` or manually installing the key in the external host), we'll make this clearer in a future version.

On the other hand, mounting a CIFS should also do the trick. In this case you don't need to provide any SSH information, just the full path of your mounted directory in the "Destination path" field.

Awesome information.  Thank you very much!  I'll give it a shot and see what shakes loose.