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gold Antsle one - fresh install - edgeLinux 2.0


I received a gold Antsle one that came with gentoo linux (antsleOS).  I decided to do clean install of edge-Linux 2.0.


I downloaded the lastest ISO from antHill and burned onto flash drive.

I proceeded to perform fresh install edge-Linux 2.0.


At first, I couldn't boot and was faced with EFI Shell screen mentioned here:

I got around this issue by going into the BIOS and enabling the Boot Drive.


After that, I was able to get the login prompt (so far so good).  Then I noticed there was no network connection after running this command:  ip -a


Then I used the command: nmtui

which launched the NetworManager TUI.

From there, I selected "Activate a connection" and choose enp0s2f0 to activate.


After that, I ran the command again:  ip -a

and I saw it had an IP address now.


After logging in as root, I came across this error:

Failed to start the edgeLinux installer, please check your network connection and reboot to try again.

I'm able to ping outside addresses and resolve different DNS addresses.  I'm also able to ssh into the machine as it's running headless.

Uploaded files:
  • Screen-Shot-2020-06-16-at-9.27.37-PM.png

I know this is a really old post, but Did you ever solve this issue?  I am having the same problem.

Me too! Is Antsle even supported any more?

In case it helps someone else, I think this is happening because CentOS is no longer available, so the mrirors have been shutdown.


I completed the following (source:

sed -i s/ /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-*.repo
sed -i s/^#.*baseurl=http/baseurl=http/g /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-*.repo
sed -i s/^mirrorlist=http/#mirrorlist=http/g /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-*.repo

Then I executed:

yum install tmux

Then, I rebooted. It's doing downloading stuff.

Quote from colin on December 6, 2024, 1:28 pm

Me too! Is Antsle even supported any more?

I'm beginning to wonder myself. The forums are filled with spam, so clearly no one is even reading the forums or moderating discussions.

I mean, if it's dead, it's dead. That's fine. But I'm not paying for a license if the product is gone and no one cares...