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Canty Start Antlets

Hi All

I am having some issues. They really have been happing for a while, Daniel is addressing some but this latest seems strange. I cant start any antlet, after starting they seem to go straight to paused. This started after i was looking to do a back up of one of them, which crashed.

I am running at 96% full in zpool but i dont believe is should be so. see antlet view below, if you look at the other pic which is the my_snapshots.txt is shows backups that are not shown in the antman view.

Is it the lack of zpool space the reason I cant start any antlet, also how do i reduce the zpool space used?



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Hi @kryten

Thank for reaching out to antsle Support.
You had let us know that none of the antlets are starting.

Can you give us the output of the following commands?

To list the zpool:
zpool list

To list the zfs with mounts and mountpoints:
zfs list -o name,mounted,mountpoint | grep -v docker

To start one of KVM's from the command-line:
virsh start antlet_name

where antlet_name is the name of your antlet

antsle Support

Thanks Daniel

That worked but I found that I was running low in memory as well. I deleted two antlets and can now start them normally but I seem to have wasted memory. Here is my concern

Directory /antlets/_tmp there are 3 files totalling 65GB. On Antman I don't have any backups or snapshots but these files exist, Win11Dev was an old VM i was not using anymore and i deleted it in October. Can i delete these files?


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  • Temp-Files.png

Hi @kryten

From talking with our developers, the files stored in the /antlets/_tmp directory are used for temporary storage when sending and receiving antlets and they can be removed.

Thank you,
antsle Support

Your Antsle Antlets can't start due to low zpool space (96% full). The culprit is likely unnecessary backups shown in the my_snapshots.txt file. You can delete old backups and investigate Daniel's fix for Antlet startup issues to get your Antlets running again. Wordle Unlimited