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Antlet ShuttingDown, but its already down

I have a Linux KVM Antlet that that is saying it is in a "ShuttingDown" State and the Action button said I could click "Start". But the Antlet was already running and I could connect to it without any issues. I couldn't find a way to clear the state, so I shutdown the Antlet thinking it may clear that state. Now it still says "ShuttingDown" and when I try to click "Start", I get an error: Requested operation is not valid: domain is already running.  I don't see anything in the logs.

When I launch the VNC Console, it display "Halting".

Any thoughts on how to clear the state and get my Antler to start?


Hi Akak:

In antMan, you can use the three dots on the left and then click Force Shutdown when the antlet is not shutting down on its own.  See attached screenshot.

You can also use the command line or Console to see what antlets are running with this command:
virsh list

You can also use the command line to do Force Shutdown.
virsh destroy antlet_name

where antlet_name is the name of your antlet.

Uploaded files:
  • antlet_force_stop.png

Daniel, thanks for the reply.... BUT....

I was already looking for Force Shutdown in the pulldown, but it isn't an option in the pulldown. Only Clone, Copy, and VLC are an option. When I open VNC Console it is only displaying "Halting" at the top left in the console window.

Then checking virsh list:

# virsh list
Id Name State
1 antlet1 running
2 antlet2 running
9 my-antlet in shutdown

# virsh stop my-antlet
error: unknown command: 'stop'

So I tried:

# virsh shutdown my-antlet
error: Failed to shutdown domain my-antlet
error: Requested operation is not valid: domain is not running

Any other thoughts?


Hi aka:

I've made a correction to the post.  Try this command:

virsh destroy my-antlet

"destroy" sounds like it will blow the antlet away.... Before I do it, can you explain what the command does?

Hi aka:

Yes, the syntax is a bit strange but 'destroy' is the command to force shutdown for KVM's.

You can view list of commands here:


Thanks for the link with more details on to the virsh command. The "destroy command worked! I'm back up.

# virsh destroy my-antlet


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Hi aka:

Glad to hear that worked for you.