New Update: antMan 2.2
Official Release: Antsle releases antMan 2.2
San Diego - November 15, 2019
What's New?
antMan 2.2
1. Port Forwarding
- Set up all your port forwarding rules to map ports from your Antsle to an Antlet. Available for all Antsle server owners (Home Lab Plan) and edgeLinux users with a antMan premium license.
2. Copying Antlets between Antsle Servers
- Copy antlets from one Antsle server to another. First add an additional node (this requires a Grow Plan or higher on both nodes) and then you can copy antlets between them.
2. Heal to Peer
- This is the first and most critical piece to our Business Continuity Suite. Getting your servers back up and running no matter what happens to your network or on-prem servers.
- How it works: AntHill keeps track of any backups taken across the Antsle Cloud or any visible self-managed backups. Any Antsle server that is registered under the antHill account can access all backups associated with it. Simply head over to the "Heal Antlets" tab as shown below.
- Heal To Cloud is an extension of Heal to Peer and is available upon request for users within the Grow and Scale Plan. How it works: We monitor your server’s heartbeat and if we don’t hear it, we begin the process of restoring your latest backups as antlets on a dedicated Antsle server in the cloud, automatically. Once your "Antsle in the Cloud" is deployed we will send you the credentials to access your new antMan dashboard.
Installation Instructions
- antsleOS 0.5.0 or edgeLinux 0.5.0
1. Login to your antsle server via ssh: ssh <my-username>@<my-hostname>.local, run the upgrade script: upgrade-antman. Or open the console from your antMan dashboard and run the same upgrade script.
2. Then make a new tab in your browser and point it to http://<my-hostname>.local or https://<subdomain> if you set the subdomain. Enjoy the new antMan!