New Update: antMan 0.8.1
Official Release: antsle releases antMan 0.8.1
San Diego - September 13, 2017
Upgrade Now!
1. What's New?
antMan 0.8.1 is a small maintainance release containing general improvements and bug fixes. Here are some of the highlights:
Resize disks
You can now resize your disks from the antMan GUI. Just go to your antlet's detail page > Virtual Drives, click the size you want to edit and a nice in-place form will appear for you to change it.
Anthony is here!
Our new team member has sneaked into antMan! You'll see his friendly face pop up occasionally in helpful places when using antMan 😉
Improvements and bug fixes
- Maximum RAM dropdown is set to your antsle's RAM
- Fixed issue with special characters when changing passwords
- antlets can now be paused and resumed
- You can hide/show your public & private IPs (useful for screenshots or screencasts)
- Better support for small screens
- antMan now displays the correct logged in username
- antAid can now be triggered from command line (useful when antMan can't start)
- Possibility to remove the default NIC. Be careful! Make sure you read the confirmation alert after clicking the delete button.
- Fixed bugs with vague validations when cloning antlets
- Fixed bug for duplicate IPs when cloning antlets
- Rebranding of antman to antMan
- Rebranding of AntAid to antAid
2. Installation Instructions
1. Login to your antsle via ssh: ssh [email protected]
2. Run the upgrade script: upgrade-antman
3. Point your browser to http://myantsle.local and hit the browser's reload button. Enjoy using the new antman!