New Update: antman 0.6.2
Official Release: antsle releases antman 0.6.2
San Diego - March 16, 2017
1. What's New?
Improved Image Import
Support for importing images already available locally on the antsle.
2. Installation Instructions
If you're already running antman 0.5.1 or higher, you just need to:
1. Login to your antsle via ssh: ssh [email protected]
2. Run the upgrade script: upgrade-antman
3. Point your browser to http://myantsle.local and hit the browser's reload button. Enjoy using the new antman!
If you're running antman 0.5.0 or lower, here is what you need to do:
1. Login to your antsle via ssh: ssh [email protected]
2. Download the upgrade script using this command: wget -N
3. Make the script executable: chmod a+x amanupd-0.6.2
4. Run the update script: ./amanupd-0.6.2
5. Point your browser to http://myantsle.local and hit the browser's reload button. Enjoy using the new antman!
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