New Update: antman 0.6.2

Official Release: antsle releases antman 0.6.2

San Diego - March 16, 2017

100 %
Upgrade Now!

1. What's New?

  • Improved Image Import

    Support for importing images already available locally on the antsle.

2. Installation Instructions

If you're already running antman 0.5.1 or higher, you just need to:

1. Login to your antsle via ssh: ssh [email protected]

2. Run the upgrade script: upgrade-antman

3. Point your browser to http://myantsle.local and hit the browser's reload button. Enjoy using the new antman!

If you're running antman 0.5.0 or lower, here is what you need to do:

1. Login to your antsle via ssh: ssh [email protected]

2. Download the upgrade script using this command: wget -N

3. Make the script executable: chmod a+x amanupd-0.6.2

4. Run the update script: ./amanupd-0.6.2

5. Point your browser to http://myantsle.local and hit the browser's reload button. Enjoy using the new antman!

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